Elliot Berg

Lead DevOps & Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Technical Architect, Agile Advocate.

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About Me

I help customers to design and implement complex cloud native platforms across a variety of technologies, to enable rapid application delivery capabilities which keep them ahead of their competition. I achieve this through fostering an agile, DevOps approach including automation and collaborative working practices. My roles typically include leading DevOps & cloud infrastructure engineering teams, technical architecture, and agile coaching.

In my spare* time I try not to sit in front a computer and instead focus on other pursuits. I’ve been actively involved in Scouting since I was a child, and have held various hands-on, leadership, management, and executive roles at local, District, County, and National levels.

* 'spare' is a loose definition ranging from 5 minutes a day to...well actually, that's about it.

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I’ve got a number of certifications, and am always working towards achieving more. For a full list, check out my LinkedIn page.

Previous Projects / Roles

I’ve worked across a variety of roles and projects, for an idea of the variety please see my experience.